Daily American English
- Internet: ‘in ner net
- Do a quick internet search for sleep.
- slew of articles /slo͞o/uu ‘ver di cle: hàng loạt bài viết.
- and you’ll find a slew of articles about how to make your sleep perfect.
- less than: less dan (ít hơn)
- And that anything less than seven hours a night means that we’re doomed to bad health.
- doomsday (n): ngày tận thế
- doomed (adj) /do͞omd/ uun: to certain destruction or death
- The plan was doomed to fail
- When I was doomed to live in despair, he saved me!
- Alzheimers’ (n) /ɑːlts.haɪ.mɚz/
- flaws (n) /flɑː/ khuyết điểm
- he had his flaws, but he was still a great teacher
- gonna + v: ‘gon n
- our: r
- desperate (adj) /ˈdesp rət/ /‘des per/
- When we can’t sleep, we’re desperate for help.
- as if it’s taken on (as zip fix): dường như đã trở nên cấp thiết hơn.
- But lately(lai-li), our fascination with sleep feels as if it’s taken on an urgency.
- accurate (adj) /ˈæk.jɚ.ət/ /‘ak ret/ completely accurate: exact, correct
- There is a more accurate method, but it’s high-tech.
- nuances (n) /nu an ces/ : shade of meaning, nuances of language
- It’s difficult to appreciate all the nuances of meaning in the text.
- Ironically (adv): /īˈränək(ə)lē/ /īˈränək lē/ thật trớ trêu.